DOUBL app used for measuring bust size

How to Send Your Measurements

Step 1

After purchasing your made-to-measure bra you will be sent a personalized link to do your private scan. This will be accompanied by a Calendly link to schedule an appointment into your calendar for your convenience.

Step 2

At the time of your personal appointment, you will download the Mobile Fit app. You will need to wear a bra and tight black clothing with your hair pulled back. You will also need something (like a chair) to prop your phone up on and an uncluttered background about a meter across.

Step 3

Once you are set up, follow the onscreen instructions share your data with us and then complete your scan. The whole process should take just over a minute, and all of your measurements will be sent to us automatically. After that, just sit back, relax and wait for your new favourite bra to arrive in the mail.

Please Note

The app is available in both the iPhone store and the Google Play store. See below for a demo!

DOUBL app for calculating bra sizes